The art of lifestyle family photography
Each one of us lives some spontaneous moments, instants in our everyday life that brings a smile, a joy and a story to tell and recall in time. Each one of us, every day in our lives, is trying to tell his or her own story, through words and deeds, trying to communicate our own feelings and will to the world. Moreover, well, you probably never imagined, as many of us did not, that you could reach the same goal, telling your story, fixing in time precious and spontaneous moments, through the art of lifestyle family photography.
What is a Lifestyle Family Photography?
Lifestyle family photography is a type of photography that captures the essence of family life. It is all about telling the story of a family through photographs. These photographs are not posed, but rather candid and natural. The goal of lifestyle family photography is to capture the real moments and emotions that occur in a family's daily life. In this article, we will discuss what lifestyle family photography is, why it is important, and how you can make the most of your lifestyle family photography session.

Telling your family story with candid family photoshoot
Lifestyle family photography is all about capturing the real moments that occur in a family's life. It is about telling the story of a family through photographs. Lifestyle family photography is not about posing or forcing a certain look or mood. Instead, it is about capturing the natural and candid moments that happen during a family's daily life. This type of photography is often shot in the family's home or in a location that is meaningful to the family. The goal of lifestyle family photography is to capture the family's unique personality, relationships, and emotions.

Lifestyle family photography is one of the branches of this incredible art: photography. It aims to focus on people in their own environment, in their real-life situations, capturing their essence in the film and thus, doing so, recount the story of people’s life.
Spontaneous and candid family moments
Is it different from portrait photography or traditional family photography? Well yes, it is. Lifestyle family photography is more spontaneous, more related to the reactions and actions of the subject than the simple pose and look towards the camera. Lifestyle photography is a way to tell the story of your life without using words. In fact, as we all know, an image can convey more meaning than a thousand words. That is why, with just one picture, a lifestyle photographer is able to structure a whole narrative and to pass on a powerful message.

Why is Lifestyle Family Photography So Important?
Lifestyle family photography is important for several reasons. First, it captures the real moments and emotions that occur in a family's life. These are the moments that families will look back on in the future and remember with fondness. Second, lifestyle family photography can help families document their growth and change over time. As children grow up and families change, it is important to have photographs that capture these moments. Finally, lifestyle family photography is a way to celebrate and honour the unique personality and relationships of each family. Each family is unique, and lifestyle family photography captures that uniqueness in a way that posed or staged photography cannot.

The benefits of professional family photography
Probably we are used to thinking about lifestyle photography as something related to fashion, glamour, attractiveness, holidays and rich people. Basically what we are used to seeing in the covers of fashion magazines. Even if it is related to that kind of world, lifestyle photography is more than that. As we previously said, lifestyle photography is focusing on telling the story of the subject, a story with a happy ending, a story with a meaning. This kind of photography establishes also a mood, a style. With this power of creating a mood and a style, lifestyle photography has become one of the greatest resource for photo reports on fashion magazine but also on art magazines. In fact, in lifestyle photography it is possible to find also street photography: it is the everyday life that becomes the centre of the artistic expression.

Lifestyle family portraits
On the other side, we can find family portraits and photography, another kind of photography, another kind of story. Family photography is usually linked to poses and fixed backgrounds where all the family sits and waits for the photographer to click on the camera. That was true in the past. In fact, family portraits is one of the first branches of photography. Families from the beginning of the last centuries decided to fix their love and affection for each member through this innovative art, photography. During the years, of course, things have changed and also the fashion and interest in this art have changed. Lately, however, families have rediscovered the pleasure of lifestyle family portraits, thanks also to new techniques and new possibilities.

Lifestyle family photoshoot full of surprises
Lifestyle family photography can be very funny, entertaining, dynamic and full of surprises, especially if it involves children. This type of photoshoot can involve games, outside scenarios or everyday objects and it reflects the love and affection of the family toward each member of it. The most important thing for us, as professional family photographers, is that you and your loved ones will be yourself in front of the camera, fear nothing and just show your true self.

In both cases, we will direct the subjects of the photos towards the best result and the best angle for taking the picture. However, both cases require a lot of spontaneity and unexpected reactions. Because that is life, and in both kinds of photography life is at the core of the photo session.
How to Make the Most of Your Lifestyle Family Photography Session
If you are considering a lifestyle family photography session, there are several things you can do to make the most of your session. First, choose a location that is meaningful to your family. This could be your home, a park, or another location that has special significance to your family. Second, choose clothing that is comfortable and reflects your family's personality. You want to feel comfortable and relaxed during your session, and your clothing can play a big role in that. Third, be yourself! The goal of lifestyle family photography is to capture the real moments and emotions that occur in your family's life. Don't be afraid to be silly or playful during your session.

So forget about boring and traditional studio family portraits, forget about glamorous stars on fashion mag covers: we at Studio Milla decided to combine the spontaneous and happy mood of lifestyle family photography, trying to recount the story of your life in a light and engaging way, putting you and your family at the centre of the stage.
Your family story captured forever
We will create a storytelling – a series of images that will recreate a story – with you and your loved ones as protagonists and we will direct you through the setting leaving to you the spontaneity of actions through the set. Storytelling is a key factor: it is the way the story is told, from the beginning to the end, deciding the number of scenes – images – which will create the narrative. Your story, your family story, will be at the centre of a recreated fairytale, in which, not only excellence and high quality will flow in, but also, above all, a game of inspiration and creativity will take place. Everything becomes important, every detail, every little thing that is part of your life can become part of the scene, in a balanced and lively composition.

As a family, as a unity, you have a kind of super power, being together and being loved: that’s what we want to recreate through your story and through the family photoshoot. London lifestyle family photography will contribute to the narrative of your family story, focusing on all those intimate and natural, unaffected moments that create your love nest. You will be the centre of the glamour, you will be fashionable and we, as professional family photographers, we will just observe and shoot at the right time, to capture the essence of your family story, your relationships and emotions of your family for years to come.
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